"You don't take a photograph, you make it."
- Ansel Adams
I’ve been shooting pictures for as long as I can remember, and I’ve always secretly wished there was some way that love of visual art would become a greater part of my life. So it’s no surprise that when my daughter, Isabella, was born in January 2007, I became slightly obsessed with photography. Like many first-time moms, I just couldn’t stop clicking! But it wasn’t until my Dad gave me my first Nikon dSLR (thanks, Dad!) that I began to think maybe it wasn’t just my kids or my muses I loved photographing. I began to realize that it's not muses I adore...it's moments. That moment when a child looks up and the sunlight catches in the iris of their eyes; that moment when rushing water meets tiny parted lips; that moment when you can feel, even if you can't speak, the love between a mother and child. Moments of sweet serenity and glorious laughter that happen between brothers and sisters, moms and dads, lovers, pets and friends… those moments make my heart sing.
Sugarplum Pictures is my sweet little corner of cyber-space. A place to share my work and share the many beautiful moments I've had the blessed privaledge to witness.
Enjoy my pictures and if something moves you, please leave a comment!!
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